Sunday, January 9, 2011


Hellooo guys,

I am soo sorry for not posting anything. Seriously, my life is crazy, I go to school, I work, I even do my homework and that's it. I'm dead after that, so i go to bed. But seriously, i'll try to post every week, at least one article.

I am also going to change my blog. 'cause I talked too much (well, i wrote too much. bear with me here.) Anyways, to the ones who still follow me, and are actually interested, I'll try to make it up to you.

For now, i just have this amazing picture. Spring 2011 is sooo close i can almost smell it. Well not really, it's freaking cold outside. Anyways. I love this jacket.
So let me know what you think. And tell me what you think what I should change. And I'll post soon !

Much love.

What I almost forgot! I shopped a little during the holidays, so I will show you the pictures soooon.